La Alternativa

thumb_Alternativa 1_1024What is LA ALTERNATIVA?
The “Alternativa” is a ceremony in which a bullfighter obtains the standing of “Matador de Toros”. In “La suerte de Matar” the veteran bullfighter approaches the novice with the sword and red cape (attached to a stick) in the left hand, and they are revealed at the same time. The veteran then hands over the sword and cape, as the novice turns over the cape to the veteran. Having finished the exchange, the “Padrino“ (the bullfighter that conducts the ceremony) usually congratulates or gives advice to the new swordsman or the protégé and they end by greeting each other. The ceremony is repeated with the second bull, but now the new swordsman is the one to give the bullfighting effects to the veteran.thumb_Clip #4_1024

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