The President

The President of the Bullfight
The president of the bullfight must ensure that the bullfight conforms
to current regulations. He conveys his orders to the bullfighters,
bullring’s staff and the spectators by using different colored kerchiefs
to represent the various meanings listed below:
The president uses the white kerchief to signal the
beginning of the bullfight, to indicate changes to the
different stages in the bullfight, to give warnings, to
announce the release of the bulls and to award prizes
to the bullfighters i.e. the ear and the bull’s tail.
The President uses the green kerchief to return the bull
to the pen due to a physical defect.
The President grants pardon to the bull in light of
its bravery. To carry out the pardon, there must be
a petition from the public and the bullfighter and
stockbreeder must also agree. The bull is, thus, allowed
to roam free again in the countryside from which he
The President uses it to order the dead bull to be pulled
around the ring, so it can receive the applause of the
spectators in tribute to the bull’s good behavior.thumb_plano 2_1024

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