La Montera
The headwear worn by the bullfighter and his team. They usually wear it
during the paseillo and the first two-thirds of the stages. The headwear is
usually made of astrakhan.

El Corbatín
A very narrow tie.

La Chaquetilla (The little jacket)
A short, stiff jacket with padded shoulders and armholes opened to allow
movement of the arms.

La Talequilla (The Pants)
Tight pants from the waist to below the knee, adjusted by cords or tassels
terminating in males. They are held up by suspenders.

Las Medias (Two pairs of stockings)
A white cotton interior stocking and a pink silk exterior stocking.

Las Zapatillas (The Shoes)
Flat, black colored shoes, adorned with a bow.

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