Gomez del Pilar in Madrid

Noé Gómez Rodriguez, known as Gomez del Pilar, was born in Madrid in 1988 and fight for the first time as Novillero in Illescas ( Toledo) on March 1st 2009 with Sergio Pulido and Carlos Durán against bulls from El Cortijillo.
He fight in Las Ventas Bull Ring on April 11th 2010 with Román Marcos “El Pela” and Ignacio González. He obtained the stanting of Matador de Toros in Añover de Tajo (Toledo) with Juan José Padilla and Eugenio de Mora and bulls from Luis Algarra on August 27th 2013:
Gomez del Pilar will confirm the Alternativa ( his standing of Matador ) in Madrid on April 9th 2017.

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