Picasso And Bullfighting

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) is one of the greatest spanish artists. He was Exceptionally prolific throughout the course of his long life..
Bullfighting was present in Picasso’s life since childhood . As a child he attended frequently bullfights in Malaga, where he was born in 1881. After moving to Provence he often went to the arenas of Arles, Nîmes or Vallauris.The bullfight was a subject Picasso returned to frequently, particularly from the mid-1950s.He always was inspired by bullfighting and he often used its symbols in his paintings. The bull, kind of alter ego, represents different aspects or faces of human behavior like violence, love, sexuality. Picasso’s friend and biographer Roland Penrose has written that, apart from his enjoyment of the action, ‘the main involvement for Picasso was not so much with the parade and the skill of the participants but with the ancient ceremony of the dramaticthumb_Plano 4_1024 triumph of man over bull

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